Blog / Technical series

Battery Internal Ohmic Measurements – Part 3 (Importance of Context)

Battery Internal Ohmic Measurements – Part 3 (Importance of Context)

Introduction In part 1 we introduced ohmic measurement and some of its challenges. In part 2 the four-wire connection was explained as was the influence the connection type can have on the reading.

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Battery Internal Ohmic Measurements Explained - Part 2 (Kelvin Connection)

Battery Internal Ohmic Measurements Explained - Part 2 (Kelvin Connection)

Introduction This article will explain how the connection method between impedance measurement device and the battery affect the impedance reading. As mentioned in the first article, there are a number of factors that can influence an impedance measurement. Comparing results without u …

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Battery Internal Ohmic Measurements Explained - Part 1 (Impedance)

Technician working on server tower in large data center

Introduction Once an internal ohmic measurement has been taken on a battery, the next questions are: What does it mean? Can it be compared to a reading taken with another device? Can the reading be influenced? In a series of articles, we will delve into answering these questions and m …

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Battery Standards Overview

Battery Standards Overview

This is the eleventh in a series of units that will educate the reader on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system. In this unit we look at the role of battery standardization and why it matters to users of large stationary battery systems.

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Thermal Runaway and Thermal Walkaway

PowerShield tech blog 12

This is the twelfth in a series of units that will educate the reader on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.

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Battery replacement intervals


This is the tenth in a series of units that will educate the reader on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.

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Monitoring VRLA State of Health


This is the ninth in a series of units that will educate the reader on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.

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VRLA Installation and Commissioning


This is the eighth in a series of units that will educate you on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.

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Battery Cabinets vs. Battery Racks

Battery Cabinets vs. Battery Racks

This is the seventh in a series of units that will educate you on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.

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Speaking the language of batteries


This is the sixth in a series of units that will educate the reader on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power system (UPS). Following are definitions of terms that are used throughout this collection of technical papers. Where noted, the definitions are standardized …

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