Blog / BMS

Why the biggest risk to your data center is in your head

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It’s a false sense of security that humans are incredibly good at developing that leads to battery failures. "No news is good news" doesn’t apply to battery monitoring given when it comes to UPS battery failures, 80% are due to undetected battery problems.

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Can your BMS provide some measurable financial return to your operation?

ROI BMS Calculator | PowerShield-1-1

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Battery replacement intervals


This is the tenth in a series of units that will educate the reader on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.

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Monitoring VRLA State of Health


This is the ninth in a series of units that will educate the reader on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.

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VRLA Installation and Commissioning


This is the eighth in a series of units that will educate you on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.

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Battery Cabinets vs. Battery Racks

Battery Cabinets vs. Battery Racks

This is the seventh in a series of units that will educate you on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.

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The little things that make a big impact to your UPS batteries


Why attention to detail makes a big difference to getting the most out of your UPS battery investment.

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Are you one of the 80% that needs 99.99%?


According to a recent study from US-research firm Information Technology Intelligence Consulting (ITIC), over 80% of businesses need 99.99% availability from their data center. ITIC calculate that the average cost of this hour of annual downtime is $USD 260,000.

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Protect your company's (and your own) reputation by getting the most out of your BMS


A battery management system is essential for the continued uptime and health of your data center. So it makes sense that when you've bought and installed one, you get the most out of it.

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Speaking the language of batteries


This is the sixth in a series of units that will educate the reader on the part played by a battery in an uninterruptible power system (UPS). Following are definitions of terms that are used throughout this collection of technical papers. Where noted, the definitions are standardized …

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